Monday, June 17, 2024

Nova Britannia General Meeting: Junius MMDCCLXXVII

Nova Britannia General Meeting: Junius MMDCCLXXVII

Monday, June 17th, MMDCCLXXVII, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Participants: Marcus Quintius Clavus

Numerius Octavius Astronomus

Publius Sextius Laevus

Aulus Iulius Paterculus

   Shortly after the call began, we drifted into a conversation about different styles of armour, particularly mail, in Roman times and afterward. Since this was in his area of expertise, much of this was questions to M. Quintius Clavus from the rest of us. He told us that 4-on-1 mail was the most common form of mail through much of history, with the exception of the Seleucid Empire, where archaeologists had found 5-on-1 mail. Quintius also mentioned some of the activities Legio III Cyrenaica had planned for the coming months and John Conyard of Comitatus.

   When Zoom ended the meeting, Quintius was not able to call back in due to another item on his schedule. P. Sextius Laevus talked a bit about his history in the Roman Republic Cultural Group. N. Octavius Astronomus and I tried to help Laevus to join the Nova Roma and Curia servers on Discord, as well as a non-Nova Roma-affiliated Latin server recommended by Astronomus.

   Zoom ended the meeting again. Astronomus & I returned and had a surprisingly long and detailed discussion about the effects of translation technology on language (conversational Latin in particular), which language(s) would make the best lingua franca (Astronomus suggested each region of the globe have its own), and how Roman revivalism might evolve when humanity colonized the stars (I suggested Astronomus should found Nova Roma's space program).

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