Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Certamen Petronianum II (Not Really Connecticut Related, but Please Consider It)

Nova Roma is seeking short stories set in the Roman Republic for an amateur historical fiction contest. Three winning stories will be published publicly on Nova Roma's website and the winning authors will be awarded the following prizes:

3rd Prize - A genuine, identifiable Roman coin, provided by C. Claudius Quadratus.
2nd Prize - An assortment of spices favored by the Romans, courtesy of Sibylla Ambrosia Fulvia, the proprietress of Auntie Arwen's Spice Shop.

A genuine, identifiable Roman coin, provided by C. Claudius Quadratus.
1st Prize - 3 days and nights of completely free accommodation in the Dea Diana Bed & Breakfast (please see details about this establishment at http://www.bbdeadiana.it/) , generously provided by C. Aurelius Vindex.

A genuine high-quality Roman coin, provided by C. Claudius Quadratus.
All entries must be submitted to <certamen.petronianum@gmail.com> by 17th November 2015. Submissions should include name and a mailing address.
Additional rules:
  • The Certamen Petronianum is open to all writers without nationality restrictions. Authors under 18 may participate with the permission of a guardian.
  • All entries will be judged anonymously.
  • Entries for the Certamen Petronianum II must be tales set in ancient Rome, during the Republic.
  • Entries must be written in English, and have a maximum length of 3000 words.
  • Entrants may submit only one tale, and the entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form.
  • Entries must be submitted in Word, RTF or plain text file. The tale shall contain no pictures.
  • Each tale must be the original work of the author, and must not have been previously published or successfully entered in to other contests.
  • The judges' decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • By submitting your story, you give non-exclusive permission for it to be posted publicly on the Nova Roma website should it be selected as one of the top three stories. Nova Roma will not use your story for any purpose other than the above, and particularly not for sale, without further written permission from you. At no time will you lose access to your own copyright, and you retain the right to post, submit, or publish your story elsewhere as you see fit (although doing so prior to the announcement of the winning stories may result in disqualification).
Final judging will be done by author Jo Walton and Latinist A. Tullia Scholastica

Please see additional details at:
No submission or reading fees.