Novembris MMDCCLXXVI – Nova Britannia Remote General Meeting
Monday, November 6th, MMDCCLXXVI, 7:00 p.m. - 8:20 p.m.
Participants: Publius Sextius Laevus
Marcus Quintius Clavus
Aulus Iulius Paterculus
Numerius Octavius Astronomus
P. Sextius Laevus was first to join the call. He shared a bit more about the Latin language blog to which he had just sent out a link on the Nova Britannia list. The author of this blog had been posting a scary story for
Halloween, in Latin, for years, and these were still available in the blog archives.
M. Quintius Clavus joined toward the end of this conversation. Quintius mentioned that the source of his cognomen was his ownership of a set of iron Roman nails, which he liked to display while giving educational presentations. Laevus asked about other items in Quintius's collection of Roman artifacts. Quintius mentioned several coins, including a coin of Constantine with Sol Invictus on the opposite side.
Discussion turned toward Roman coins in general. Laevus and I had a variety of questions, which Quintius answered.
N. Octavius Astronomus joined and spoke briefly with Quintius about logistics for his attendance at our next Saturnalia gathering.
Zoom then ended the call and we rejoined for the second half.
We had a discussion of the recent change of the hour. Laevus and Quintius recounted the experience of adjusting the time on old grandfather clocks. This led Astronomus to propose the topic of timekeeping in the ancient world as a subject for a future presentation. Quintius shared a bit he knew about watches kept by the Roman military overnight and agreed this would be good to look into in further detail, perhaps including earlier ancient cultures in the research.
Quintius mentioned an upcoming Zoom call with his SCA barony. This led to a discussion of the evolution of the SCA's kingdoms in eastern North America, which led us to converse about the recent establishment of Colonia Cornelia Aquincensium in Budapest by citizens of Nova Roma.
We finished with a brief conversation about the macronational elections which would take place the following day in certain locations.
Many thanks to the participants who reviewed this report.
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