Saturday, June 23, 2018

Roman Day 2018

  Marcus Audens has written up the following minutes for a meeting taking place in Nova Britannia. A few minor modifications have been made by me based on comments made by Sibylla A. Fulvia and myself on the draft sent by M. Audens:
Pictures and Minutes - The Roman Day's Event was held at the Home of  Sibylla A. Fulvia in Haddam, CT.
Purpose of the Meeting was Roman Presentations , and a discussion on Nova Britannia Business.
Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia was the hostess. 
Attendees were:
  - Lady  Sibylla A. Fulvia;
  - Lady Valentina
  - Lady Mathews (visitor);
  - Senator Marcus Cassius Julianus;
  - Master Paterculus;
  - Consul Gaius Claudius Quadratus;
  - Optio, Quintius Johanson, Legio III (Cyrenaica);
  - Home Owner,Nelson Struck (visitor);
  - Senator Marcus Minucius Audens.

   The Meeting was brought to order at about 10:00 A.M. and the first Presentation given by Master Paterculus, its subject being the Greek Philosophy of Plato's "Republic".  His presentation was to present to the members the factors of the Greek Philosopher Plato in regard to the philosophy of complete control of all phases and activities of normal like by an all-powerful ruler, and gain from those present their views and ideas about such a government.

  The second presentation was provided by Senator /NR Co-Founder Marcus Cassius Julianus.  His presentation was entitled "The Kingdom of Soissons."  Handouts of the  historical information regarding the subject were distributed to all present (See

  The third Presentation was concerning a large variety of spices.  Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia had a large container of each spice , and she passed each spice around the group for anyone to smell and taste as desired while the lady gave the details about how the spice was used, the origin, and other useful information about each spice.

   The fourth Presentation was given by Senator Marcus Audens entitled "Ancient/Medieval Maritime Merchant Routes and Ships."  The presentation was accompanied by  fifteen of the presenter's ship drawings , and five maps showing maritime merchant routes.  The presentation encompassed ship styles, ship sail rigs, hull construction, and primary use of various style of ships in different marine settings and places.

   The fifth presentation was by Consul Quadratus about his coin collection from two distinct Roman periods; 1.  The Second Triumvirate; 2. The Year of the Twelve Caesars.

   The sixth Presentation was by Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia and was entitled, "Leonotcephalus, and how Mithras was sent in a meteorite to a lower plane,"  The presentation was in regard to the God Mithras, and the showing of a statuette of his messenger from Heaven to Earth, by using a key to unlock the celestial globe, and allow Mithras to pass through encased in a meteor in order to reach earth.  The presentation included details and other lesser Gods and goddesses and their participation in the religous story of Mithras.

   There was also a display, of Roman Coins and artifacts provided for viewing by Senator Marcus Cassius.

   Following  the first  few Presentations the group was called to a very nice Roman Dinner, which featured Roast Chicken, Olives, Figs, Apricots, Loaf Bread, Garbanzo Bean/Pomegranate Salad, Deviled Eggs, Ancient Roman Cheese Cake, Lemonade, and Red Wine.

  Following the last presentation the group came to the discussion period.  The first item brought by Consul Quadratus, was the desire to conduct some kind of quiz on the NR Communication network.  The problem was that any simple quiz questions regarding the Roman Republic and Early Empire would be easily answered using one of the Computer answering services (Wiki, Google, etc.)  The question regarding the quiz, recieved one answer from Marcus Audens.  The contest would be to write the ending to one of several one page stories.  The best ending would be the winner!  Other suggestions included writing an essay or short story as a team.

   This discussion evolved into the question about what is needed if anyone in Nova Britannia wished to create a Roman Event.  After some discussion a simple set of suggested requirements for putting together an event,   These requirements were studied, questioned, adjusted, and finally voted upon and accepted unanimously.   It was strongly suggested that the subject of any quiz or contest be limited to a High school level of information, and that the set of suggested requirements should be sent to the NR Communication network on a cycle of somewhere in the vicinity of a three-to six month period. This list of requirements will be furnished for the Event minutes review By Senator Marcus Cassius.

The pictures of the event are as follow:

1. Consul Quadratus and Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia;

2. Paterculus, Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia, Nelson Struck (Home Owner/Guest), Optio, Quintius Johanson, Legio III (Cyrenaica);

3. Paterculus, Optio, Quintius Johanson, Legio III (Cyrenaica);

4. Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia,  Consul Quadratus, Senator Marcus Cassius, Paterculus;

5. Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia, Lady Valentina, Paterculus, Marcus Audens;

6. Lady Sibylla A. Fulvia, Consul Quadratus;

7. Statuette - Leontocephalus;

8. Senator Marcus Cassius.

Respectfully Submitted.
  Marcus Audens