Nova Britannia General Meeting: Maius MMDCCLXXVII
Monday, May 6th, MMDCCLXXVII, 7:00 p.m. - 8:24 p.m.
Participants: Publius Sextius Laevus
Numerius Octavius Astronomus
Aulus Iulius Paterculus
This evening started with a recap of MithraCon by N.Octavius Astronomus and Zoe, who had both attended. Astronomus had taken a large collection of photos during that weekend's activities and shared them via Zoom. These included sculptures adorning the Yale Library and artifacts from inside the Yale University Art Gallery, which Astronomus magnified to examine specific details. We spent some time trying to decipher the meanings of the symbols and writing which Astronomus showed us, identifying at least five ancient civilizations referenced by the images outside the library and interpreting a mosaic's depiction of Egypt.
Once the review of MithraCon was complete, Zoe left for the evening. Those of us who remained on the call discussed the recently announced plans to start monthly Latin calls under the aegis of the Sodalitas Latinitatis. We tentatively agreed to open the monthly Latin calls which Nova Britannia had already been having to Nova Roma as a whole, providing an option for those who wouldn't be able to attend at 9 a.m. Eastern U.S. time or whose Latin was on a different level.
There was a brief discussion of the movie Civil War, which P. Sextius Laevus and Astronomus had each seen and recommended highly. Then we ended our conversation for the night.
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