Nova Britannia Remote General Meeting: Aprilis MMDCCLXXVI
April 24th, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Attendees: Sibylla Ambrosia Fulvia
Numerius Octauius Astronomus
Aula Tullia Scholastica
The meeting started with some conversation between N. Octauius and Sibylla Fulvia about historical videos on YouTube, with both agreeing on the value of work by Jackson Crawford ( Mention was also made of Grimfrost ( a company which sells both Dr. Crawford's books and Viking/Nordic clothing.
There was some discussion of the technology Sibylla was using to participate in the call, which had recently been upgraded, and of Tullia Scholastica's upcoming drive to Toronto.
We talked a bit about Roman garb, particularly Sibylla's reenactment of a Danish spice trader. Sibylla mentioned a few other things which had been traded, including grain from Egypt and ivory from Africa.
We discussed the agenda for upcoming presentations, agreeing that Sibylla would give a presentation on Roman food in July, while I would share one on Roman drink in August. I would also give one comparing the philosophers Iamblichus & Porphyry at a later time, which Sibylla traded to me in exchange for the Roman food presentation.
Speaking of future events, we discussed the meeting planned by Flavius Vedius Germanicus in Pennsylvania that June. No one had heard from Vedius recently, and the last email about the event had been in March.
We agreed the plans for Saturnalia were still in place. Sibylla and Octauius continued to consider the possibility of a trip to Wesleyan together. It was also noted that Sibylla would celebrate her 80th birthday in June, for which she was given a thumbs up. State Latin Day was mentioned as well.
Octauius asked whether any of us had done anything special for Parilia. Scholastica mentioned the videos and pictures of the parade in Rome shared by Cn. Lentulus and noted that this event was a really big deal in Rome.
We planned to have our next general meeting on May 22nd and the next Latin meeting for May 14th (though the Latin meeting was later postponed).
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