Monday, March 27, 2023

Nova Britannia Remote General Meeting: Martius MMDCCLXXVI

Nova Britannia Remote General Meeting: Martius MMDCCLXXVI

Attendees: Sibylla Ambrosia Fulvia

Aulus Iulius Paterculus

Aula Tullia Scholastica

Marcus Quintius Clavus

Numerius Octavius Astronomus

   As we joined the meeting one or two at a time, Sibylla, who had joined first, inquired what we had been up to lately.

   I reported typing up some of the vocabulary for our next Latin meeting.

   Scholastica mentioned that she had processed a number of citizenship applications while her Latin class was on recess and persuaded one of her best students and his wife to join Nova Roma, as well as another acquaintance in Ukraine contacted with the help of Sarmatians affiliated with Arx Mercatura. Sibylla suggested that Scholastica's friends would be welcome to join our remote meetings, although Scholastica pointed out that the time difference might be an issue. (They are six hours ahead of us.  Ukraine may be seven hours ahead, as is Finland.)

   Octavius told of his recent trip to gaming convention PAX East ( and shared photos of the many Roman-/Classical-themed board games he'd found there, included one he'd purchased. Sibylla invited him to bring this to the next in-person event.

   We discussed ancient board games and the possibility of playing them together, perhaps even remotely via a website we found with a brief search, Locus Ludi (

   Quintius described two recent events he'd attended with Legio III Cyrenaica ( The first was a meeting of the Classical Association of New England over St. Patrick's Day/Liberalia weekend. The second was a display at the Worchester Art Museum, that past Saturday, March 25th, which had over 50 attendees per presentation, which Quintius attributed modestly to the weather.

   Sibylla informed us that there would likely not be a full MithraCon that year, as the number of expected attendees would not be sufficient to cover a hotel room. However, a day trip to New Haven was not out of the question.

   We talked about Roman bread and food in general. Octavius said that it was too bad food could not be shared digitally. I suggested we each cook the same Roman dish at home and eat it together (remotely). We settled on the 18th of April as the best date for this little party, which was very felicitous, as it happened to be Scholastica's birthday. It was agreed that we would sing "Happy Birthday" in Latin to mark the occasion. (Scholastica herself provided the translation via Discord soon after this meeting.)

Thanks to Scholastica for feedback on the initial draft.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Februarius MMDCCLXXVI – Nova Britannia Meeting & Roman Transportation Presentation

Februarius MMDCCLXXVI – Nova Britannia Meeting & Roman Transportation Presentation

Part I

Monday, February 27, 2023, 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Participants: Sibylla Ambrosia Fulvia

M. Quintius Clavus

N. Octavius Astronomus

A. Iulius Paterculus

        During the first half hour of our meeting, I gave a presentation on transportation in the Roman world. N. Octavius Astronomus, who had not been able to join us for the first part of this meeting came on after the presentation finished, and a few of us carried on discussion of various topics for some time after that.

Part II

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Participants: N. Octavius Astronomus

A. Tullia Scholastica

P. Aurelius Barbatus

A. Iulius Paterculus

        I had agreed to repeat the Roman transportation presentation for N. Octavius Astronomus and A. Tullia Scholastica. We decided to have this second presentation on the “Open Forum” voice channel of the Forum Domitium and to let others on the forum know that it was taking place. P. Aurelius Barbatus joined shortly after the presentation started and left soon after it finished.

        Octavius showed Scholastica & me a virtual Rome which had been constructed in Minecraft by a dedicated community. We spent quite some time touring the city and discussing the research and effort which had been invested in it. Octavius expressed the hope that Nova Roma might undertake some project of this kind.