Saturday, October 24, 2015

Monthly Charity Idea

M. Equitius Noctua has made the interesting suggestion of choosing a charity to support each month and encouraging contributions. Those in the know will see the resemblance between this project and  Pandora's Kharis, a similar initiative to encourage charitable giving in the Hellenic Reconstructionist community which indeed served as an inspiration.

For the month of October, we've had the following suggestions:

Pagan Federation International - This organization works towards greater tolerance and acceptance of pagans around the world.
Saving Palmyra Digitally - This is a private effort to recreate the now destroyed ruins of Palmyra in a digital format. Money goes toward the software necessary for the project.
The International Rescue Committee - This is an organization aimed at providing help to victims of the worst crises worldwide.
Voting is now open on the trial forum. Please give your imput on what our first cause should be.

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