Sunday, October 1, 2017

CT Activities by Other Groups

   A new group devoted to Hellenic Polytheism ( started in New Haven last month. According to their page on Meetup, they will be having their first meeting on October 22nd and welcome syncretists.
   Additionally, the Classical Association of CT ( will be having their annual meeting on October 14th from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich. I was there last year and can recommend it, although the registration fee is fairly high ($25 for non-members, plus an additional $10 for lunch). They have a variety of academic speakers and the potential for conversation with others interested in Classical topics.
   Finally, the Connecticut Wiccan and Pagan Network ( will be having a gathering on Saturday, October 21st from 5-10 p.m. at St. Peter's Masonic Lodge in Norwich. They also have a costly registration ($25 at the door; $20 for those that pre-register). However, dinner is included, along with dancing.