Thursday, May 18, 2017

Some Links Concerning the Roman Virtues

Periodically, it seems worthwhile to check the internet for what people are writing about various Roman topics. Below are a few short pieces that have been put up concerning the Roman virtues, with a focus on what they would have meant to the Romans themselves:

Oftentimes, another approach is taken: looking at how the virtues can be applied today and how they can be interpreted in light of the preconceptions we bring to them as modern (or modern-day at least) people. It's helpful every once in a while for those who are used to thinking about them in one way to step back and try to consider the other.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Subsidium Quritium: Maius MMDCCLXX

The results are back for the latest poll for the Subsidium Quritium, which closed on May 31st. We had three votes (including mine), and the result was a three-way tie between Ocean Conservancy (, Wounded Warrior Project (, and Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association (
  All are worthy causes: please consider supporting the one which appeals to you the most.